PPG LINING (Polypropylene glass lining)
Expected Life of PPG lining 10-12 years.
PPG Lining is highly resistant against ACID/Alkali. It is most suitable lining for handling inorganic chemicals Hydrochloride acid, sulfuric acid , caustic etc

- It can sustain the temperature up to 80 * centigrade.
- The size of sheet is 10/20mtr X 1.5 mtr, less no of joints reduces the chances of failure, even the rectification of ppg lining not takes much time.
- Double welding of joints by PP strips and PP Welding rods eliminate the chances of leakage.
- After finishing we can test the PPG lining by Spark testing machine.
- Generally 2 mm Poly propylene glass lining with 1.5mm FRP Base serve the purpose (Total thickness 3.5mm) or as per different usage we can provide the PPG Lining thickness with 5mm/8mm/10mm.
- Expected Life of PPG lining 10-12 years